Sunday, October 8, 2017

The VOICE of PAIN - 2008

Sometimes the voice of pain is so much louder than God’s voice. It is like no other distraction I have encountered. It has been so loud that my thoughts have been consumed and lost in the waves that crash hard against my mind. 

The voice of pain, if it would only quiet down for a little while and let my heart rest from the aching that it causes with every shrill echo. I cry out to God longing to hear His voice only, and while it seems as though God cannot hear me, the longer I cry out to Him the louder His voice becomes. The thought does occur that this maddening voice of pain will conquer and be the end of me but that torturing fear is soon shattered when suddenly I am still hearing my heavenly father’s voice speaking ever so gently to me. 

His gentle voice penetrates the loudness of that deafening voice of pain. I keep crying out to God with every fiber of my being until the voice of pain is hushed and without power. God has heard my cry and has rescued me. He gently takes my hand and pulls me from the waves that were swallowing me causing me to suffocate. He wraps himself around me and His very touch caused peace to consume me the way the voice of pain once had. After the peace, joy has its rightful place allowing my spirit to finally rest from the tiring battle. For the time being the voice of pain is no more. 

*Vanilla Child

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