Thursday, October 5, 2017

So You Wanna Be a Hero at Ihop

When people don't see you as worthy of respect they will think they can talk to you any kind of way. Well I don't know about you but we will never tolerate anyone's dehumanizing attitude and will stand up for ourselves at any cost. With that being said I would like to tell you a tale of a rather "fun" encounter me and my man had at IHOP.

So tonight we were at an IHOP having a good time watching Heather Land on YouTube when these racist crotchety old white ladies decided they had had enough of our fun times. Now keep in mind we are a mixed couple. I will say we were laughing loudly but honestly how has laughter ever hurt anyone? On  top of that the whole restaurant was quite noisy. Now as usual we were totally lost in our own little world when suddenly one of these racist women stood up with her face all twisted like she had the devil in her and began yelling at us. Dazed and confused we both looked up trying to understand what was coming out of this crazy woman's mouth. I felt as though we were part of a terrible movie like we had taken a giant leap back in time. What she said made absolutely no sense whatsoever. she insisted we were disturbing their meal and they could not enjoy themselves while we were laughing and listening to Heather Land who in her words sounded like a little kid.

It was if she were saying that the sound of a child was the most repulsive thing she could ever hear. Now had she turned round and asked politely for us to quiet down we would have gladly done so. But that was not  the case. So my sexy African warrior said, "since you put it that way we are not turning it off." That enraged the demon inside of her and her head almost popped right off her old frail body. She began waving her fist in the air and shouted that they would just move across the restaurant. My delicious large coffee with 6 creams agreed with her and said that was a wonderful idea.

It was at that point a rather large white male decided he would step in and defend the "honor" of the old crotchety crones. He took it upon himself to be their superhero and seemed to expect us to immediately back down. Boy, that was not the case at all. This nosy bigot began to tell us that we were being disrespectful and that everyone in the restaurant thought we were being too loud and that we needed to tone it down. My African King proceeded to tell this over-sized shell of a man to turn around and mind his business and stay out of ours. Keep this in mind, at this point the YouTube video had already ended and he still felt the need to threaten to call the manager on us as if we gave two shits at that point.

I then proceeded to tell this imposing sack of shit that the video was already off and for him to shut up and turn around. That's when my man jumped on his ass as well and told him to stop trying to be a hero in a situation that doesn't need one. He felt that he was going to get the best of us. As if he had something to prove. He gave us a look as if he was trying to intimidate us but this self proclaimed hero had it all wrong. My beautiful man quickly let him know that he was not going to get the best of us and kept yelling at him to turn around because nothing he could say or do was going to change the outcome of this situation. In the meantime the crotchety old women sat down and began talking among themselves celebrating as if they had won some type of battle. The large buffoon was still trying to make a point so my man interrupted his pointless babble and told him again to shut up, stop talking to us, turn around, and that he was not going to get the last word. This was the last thing he said. He gave up the captain save a hoe attitude and proceeded to get back to his mediocre existence. 

Here's the kicker. We were the only mixed couple in the restaurant. Everyone was being loud to an extent but for some reason we were targeted by multiple assailants. Coincidence? I think not. This ladies and gentlemen is an example of Trump's new America. A place where a mixed couple has no right to enjoy themselves in public without mini white supremacist trying to shut them down and put them in their place. I can tell you that we will enjoy watching Heather Land whenever and wherever we want to and there is nothing anyone can do about it. We will not shut up, we will not back down to anyone. 

I am certain that these women most likely proclaim that they are God fearing women who love Jesus.Surely the bible says something like, "thou shalt not be cranky racist little bitches" and if it doesn't is sure as hell should. I think it all boils down to the fact these ladies seemed to think that blacks and whites had no rights being together much less being free and happy in public. I mean after all it was their civic duty to stop such atrocities.

*Vanilla Child* 

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