Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Dear Zach, A Letter to a Lost Soul

Dear Zach,

You have touched more lives and moved more hearts here on earth than most of us will do in a lifetime.  It is our loss that we were not able to meet you. But God always knows best so we choose to trust that He had your best interest at heart when He allowed you to be consumed by death before Life even had a chance to embrace you.   

To tell you the truth, you are where we all want to be and one day and hope to meet you where you are…in Everlasting Paradise.  Then we will have an eternity to get to know you.

You will truly be missed and we will never, ever forget you.

You are precious – Because you were created in the image of God.

You are perfect - Because you were never touched by the evil in this world and for this you are truly blessed.



Saturday, May 5, 2018

Keep Your Ducks in a Row – When Prey Becomes Predator

A group of 5 ducks are in a row and headed down stream into uncharted territory where the head duck will get eaten by an alligator. 

The other ducks will be left in disarray without their leader and will start to panic.  One duck will try to take over as the new leader but, his skills will soon be proven ineffective when he leads the ducks into a lake filled with piranha.  Two more ducks will be killed from a vicious piranha attack that will leave the last two ducks panicky causing them to head for shelter on the ground. 

With all that has happened to them the survivalist ducks begin to question their worth in this seemingly crooked unforgiving world.  The nights are cold and dark for them and they have nowhere to go and nothing to eat.  They fear the water now and have lost what made them ducks in the first place.  The hunger is too much to bear and the new “head” duck decides the only way to survive in this world is to adopt a kill or be killed…a hunt or be hunted mentality. 

He grabs the other duck with his beak and begins to gnaw on his neck until he draws blood. The other duck is now dead and the taste of the blood makes the head duck thirsty for more so he begins to gouge out the other duck’s eyes and begins to feast on his eyeballs.  He is still hungry and eats the entire duck carcass.  Now he feels he has nothing to fear. Now he knows who he is. He is a predator and begins his descent back into the water with the other predators.

Keep your ducks in a row…..

Can True Love Be Forbidden?

Can True Love Be Forbidden? Tell me, is it worth the cost to go after a woman whose heart instantly lights up any dark room?  Whose ...