Thursday, December 21, 2017

Top 5 NETFLIX ORIGINAL Shows We've Watched in 2017

Netflix has come a long way since its humble beginnings in 1997. It went from simply selling and renting DVDs to becoming one of the biggest online streaming services in history!

Today, Netflix provides a plethora of original content that helps to retain its current subscriber base while attracting new users alike. Users like us, who have made it a hobby/obsession of binge watching some of the best shows we have seen all year. So at the risk of getting you hooked and causing you to waste countless hours of your life here are the Top 5 Netflix Original shows we've watched in 2017!


The gripping semi post apocalyptic show Between definitely lives up to its name. Due in part to the fact that it put us between a love/hate feeling that lasts throughout the entire show.

The story is fairly generic and is set in a town called Pretty Lake where all residents who are 22 and over begin to croak over and die unexpectedly. And not just die, we're talking thick blood oozing out the mouth type of deaths here. This incident causes the government to quarantine the sweet town of Pretty Lake leaving the young residents who remain untouched by the disease to fend for themselves.

What We Like:
  • Fairly original plot: The idea that all of the "old people" in a town or city could suddenly die in a matter of days and the fate of society as we know it can be left in the hands of the youth is both exhilarating and scary as hell! 
  • Keeps you on the edge of your seat which makes it a great show for binge watching. 
  • Season 1 and 2 both provided a sense of closure while leaving you wondering what could happen next. Our kind of cliff hanger. 

What We Dislike:
  • Bad acting - A couple of the characters like Gord played by Ryan Allen come off as dry and simply down right boring. If it wasn't for the interesting plot this would totally ruin the show. 


A destructive whirlwind of violence and hate that brings pleasure to the senses in disturbing ways is what Punisher brings to Netflix.

Punisher starts off where Daredevil (yet another amazing Netflix Original series) left off. Frank Castle (*cough *cough The Punisher) is presumed to be dead by the world and is trying to live a normal life. Well, as normal of a life as it gets for a man whose entire family was murdered due to bad choices he himself made and as a result is stuck in a cycle of pure unadulterated rage. Unfortunately, Frank's "peaceful" life is abruptly interrupted when a mysterious hacker by the name of Micro informs him that the people truly responsible for his family's death are alive and kicking. And of course, Frank goes into full murder mode and begins yet another delightful murder spree that we come to expect from a guy named the Punisher.

What We Like:
  • Oh the slaughter! The violence in Punisher is presented as a well choreographed symphony that is displayed on your HDTV in some of the most creative ways known to man. No lie. 
  • We love the Characters! From Frank Castle himself to the supporting cast, Punisher does a great job of causing you to care about every single main character. Each character has their own story and significant part to play in the series and you can't help but either fall in love or downright loath each one. 
  • The connection: Each of us have a sense of justice within us. When we see wrong doing occur we want to see that evil punished. Even though the Punisher's methods are seen as wrong because he operates outside of the law we felt his pain in such as way that we applauded every action he took to get revenge on those who took everything from him. Can't say we wouldn't do the same. 
What we Dislike: 
  • Nothing. We liked everything about Punisher and that's all there is to it. 


This has to be one of the realist Netflix Original series we have watched this year! 13 Reasons Why hits you right in the gut by tackling real life issues such as rape, bullying, and giving you clear insight on why a teenager would take their own life.

13 Reasons follows the story of Hannah (played by Katherine Langford) who leaves a series of cassette tapes in the wake of her recent suicide that tell the story of what led her to commit such a tragic act. Each tape highlights someone in her life that has something to do with her decision to commit suicide - some more heinous than others. Shy guy and semi love interest Clay Jensen is the main character who aims to expose everyone involved in the bullying and betrayal that lead Hannah to fall deeper and deeper into despair causing her untimely death.

What We Like:
  • It's Extremely Graphic! Hannah goes through what a lot of teenagers do in this day and age and 13 Reasons does not sugar coat or hold back in putting this on display for your viewing displeasure. From bullying to full on rape scenes, nothing is left to the imagination. 
  • Emotional attachment: We found ourselves falling in love with both Clay and Hannah over time. In some aspects we felt what Hannah was going through because we ourselves went through some of it as teenagers and know what it is like to feel like no one loves or understands you. We had such an emotional attachment that the rape scenes in this show hit so close to home that they were overwhelmingly infuriating! I found myself feeling so hurt for Hannah that I desperately wanted justice to be done by punching the guys who took advantage of her in the face repeatedly until they were no longer recognizable. Few shows can touch us like that. 
What We Dislike: 
  • first. This man Clay took forever to get through all of the 13 tapes! I mean we know he had to or there wouldn't have been much of a show for us to enjoy, but damn, this man was so affected that he was crashing into cars while riding his bike and spacing out while talking to someone mid sentence. He annoyed the hell out of us at first but we grew to love the clumsy shy little guy. 
  • Most of the teens going through all this turmoil appeared to come from good homes with extremely loving and attentive parents. It had us asking, "why are you so damn dysfunctional?!" It's like some of them, key words "some of them" were asking for trouble and ultimately got what they deserved. 


The beautifully crafted, story driven The OA (Original Angel) makes number 2 on our list. To be honest, it very well could be number 1 - yes, it's that good!

The OA focuses on the life of a young blind woman named Prairie Johnson (played by Brit Marling) who appears after 7 years of captivity by a mad doctor. You see, Prairie is the survivor of a Near Death Experience, but that's not the only reason she is special. What makes her extraordinary is that she took something back with her from the other side that caused her to regain her sight along with insight into the afterlife that goes beyond basic human comprehension.

Pause:  Prairie comes back reborn a new and now refers to herself as The OA so we shall honor her pilgrimage by referring to her in this way from this point on. Okay, continue....

Upon her return, The OA draws a lot of attention both positive and negative and eventually forms a rag tag group of people who are all both searching for more out of life and an escape from the turmoils that come with it. Together, they embark on a journey of freedom, hope in something bigger than themselves, and a revolutionary look into the spiritual world.

What We Like:
  • Brit Marling's soothing voice as she tells the story of her life before and during captivity. We found ourselves completely hooked on every single word that came out of her mouth as she described in vivid detail her life experiences. It's as if we didn't even need the imagery.  We could close our eyes and let her words take us on this amazing journey and all the details would just come alive in our minds. 
  • Replayability:  Few shows that we have watched this year have compelled us to go back for a second ride, but here we are currently watching The OA season 1 yet again. There are so many intricate details that you will miss the first time around that it is an absolute must you watch it twice if you ever hope to get a full understanding of what is going on. 
  • Spiritual Interpretative Dance: One of the gifts that The OA comes back with is a powerful set of moves that are both the most elegant and freakiest thing we have ever seen a human body do (well almost...hehe). The meaning of each dance move is also compelling, but to know that you need to watch the show - no spoilers here. 
  • The Plot: The story is not a generic cut and dry, copy and paste production in the slightest. There is a story within the story that if you are not careful you will miss and in doing so you miss the entire point of the show. 
  • The ending in itself (no spoiler, we promise) will leave you either believing or disbelieving everything you have been shown or lead to believe. It's almost  parallel to how we view the afterlife and/or religion ourselves. We are presented with a set of beliefs and life experiences and it is up to us to take the knowledge we've gained combined with experiences to determine whether we believe or not. The comparisons and contrasts to real life is brilliantly represented here in The OA. 

What We Dislike:
  • Season 2 starts filming in 2018 😩. This show released in 2016 and you mean to tell me that it has taken this long to start filming season 2?! For shame, For Shame! But on the serious side, we are ecstatic that The OA will be coming back for round 2 sometime in 2018...crossing all fingers and toes!  


Now for the show that opened the door for other Netflix Originals shows for this young journalist. It's time to talk about the show that has single handily brought back the innocence and intrigue of the 80's. It's time for us, ladies and gentlemen to talk about the show that pays homage like no other to nostalgic movies like The Goonies, Ghostbusters, Weird Science, and so many other greats!

Yes, it's time to revel in the greatness that is Stranger Things Season 2!

Season 2 picks up where the first left off. Will is trying to get acclimated back into every day life when he begins to have what appears to be visions of the Upside Down. It turns out that these are not just visions but Will is in fact in full contact with the Upside Down. On top of that, there is a new threat far more evil than the demogorgon that seeks to invade our world and kill every living creature in it. Of course, our band of young heroes are not having that. In traditional Scooby Doo crew style they begin to investigate and spring into action to defend their families and the world.

What We Like:
  • The Charm: Season 2 picks up with the same level of charm that the first Season possessed. Our young heroes are as colorful as ever in their own way. Each character also has grown and are in different places in their life based on last season's events which kept us engaged. Our favorite is still Dustin (played by Gaten Matarazzo) who now has a set of pearly whites that he is so proud of he growls like a wild cat the entire season - it's hilarious! 
  • Takes it to the Next Level: Season 2 keeps the core of what made Season 1 special in tact while successfully adding to it in a way that gives it its own identity. You see so much open up with the character development and the world itself. We begin to get details into the dark secrets that the town of Hawkins has been keeping under wraps. We also go deeper into the Upside Down and learn a great deal about the menacing creatures that inhabit it. The Duffer Brothers (creators) stated that this season's production was going to be much more expansive and boy they did not disappoint! 
  • The Kids! Those beautiful, innocent, and often times rambunctious young heroes that continually fight off evil on our behalf are back in action! Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Will, and spoiler alert....Eleven all return to delight, frustrate, and disobey their parents once again! 
  • Steve!  This guy played a bigger role in Season 2 than we expected and thank God for him. Steve's interaction with the kids is like a cooler big brother and it works extremely well...especially during his interactions with Dustin. For a few episodes in this season this dynamic duo completely stole the spotlight. 

What We Dislike:
  • Nothing at all. We loved this show through and through and that's all we have to say about that! 

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, our favorite Netflix Original shows that we've watched in 2017! We've spent countless hours binge watching until our hearts content and loved every single minute of it.

We hope you enjoyed reading our thoughts on each show and Please be sure to Follow to keep up with us here at WhatchaGot2Say.

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